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Admission into Agenla Academy By File Scrutiny

ADMISSION Procedure into Agenla Academy By File Scrutiny

Admission Process for National and International Candidates at Bilingual Sub Regional University Institute, Agenla Academy, Yaounde – Cameroon
Admissions at all levels are conducted through file scrutiny. Candidates have the option to apply online or manually, depending on their preference. At the Bilingual Sub Regional University Institute, Agenla Academy, candidates should select the appropriate level of admission they are applying for and ensure that all information is filled in carefully.

1. On-Campus Registration

Candidates who choose to register on campus will be assisted by the admission team in processing their registration online. Internet connections and computers will be provided for the candidates’ use. Candidates are encouraged to follow the guidance of the admission team to complete the process smoothly.

2. Online Registration Procedure

Candidates opting for online registration should click on the provided link and follow the instructions.

3. Manual Registration Procedure

Step 1:

Download the detailed application form from the AGENLA ACADEMY website. [Attach Application Form here].
Fill out the application form by hand, sign it, and send a scanned copy to the AGENLA ACADEMY email address:, along with the required documents listed on the form. Alternatively, candidates can submit the completed application form and required documents in person at the main campus in Yaounde, Cameroon.
Step 2:

Upon receipt of the application, candidates will be assigned an application file number, which will be communicated via email or SMS.

If the application submitted in Step 1 is incomplete, candidates must complete their application as specified on the form, no later than one month after the start of lectures.
Step 3:

Selected candidates will receive a pre-admission letter via email. The hard copy of this letter can also be collected on campus.
Step 4:

Pre-admitted candidates must validate their admission by paying a non-refundable pre-registration fee of CFAF 50,000 (fifty thousand). Tuition fee payments must be made according to the schedule outlined in the pre-admission letter. A Confirmation of Admission letter will be issued once the first installment of tuition fees and the registration fees have been paid in accordance with the timeline specified in the pre-admission letter.
Candidates should carefully select the level of admission they are applying for and ensure all information provided is accurate and complete.

NB: Modalities and modes of payments depend on the program and the level of study choosen by the candidate. This Modalities are specify in the pre admission letter. Payment invoices and reciepts are issued when necessary.

Application form for admission into AGENLA Academy

Admission into the first year is made public only after the candidate has obtained a Baccalaureat/GCE A Level or any other equivalent diploma.